Ten Minutes of Connecting: Day 25 – You Have a Blog! Now What?

Over the past few days we have spent time setting up a blogging site. Now it’s time to start writing!

There are many reasons why educators use blogs in their professional learning.  Today we will help you with a few prompts to consider how you can begin sharing, and some excellent examples of Ontario leaders who already blog and share.

Some educators begin by sharing the great work happening in their school or district.

TLDSB Superintendent Andrea Gillespie shares her impressions of an event in her board here.  Dr. John Malloy, Director of Education for HWDSB, frequently shares the great work being done in his school board.

Other educators share the formal work being done in their schools and systems.

New UGDSB vice-principal Brenda Sherry shares their work around making the School Improvement Plan a living document in their building. Principal Peter J. Leblanc makes the staffing process at his school transparent on his blog.  New SGDSB Superintendent Nicole Morden-Cormier uses her blog to share all of the work their leadership learning team is doing, and invites others to comment and share in their learning.

Blogging is also a platform for curation.  We have looked at the process of curation earlier in this series.  We strongly suggest that you read this post by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano (@langwitches).

Blogging as a Curation Platform @langwitches http://langwitches.org/blog/2014/06/15/blogging-as-a-curation-platform/
Blogging as a Curation Platform @langwitches http://langwitches.org/blog/2014/06/15/blogging-as-a-curation-platform/

WRDSB Principal James Bond demonstrates how he curates and shares thinking with his writing here.  Deborah McCallum curates resources here.

When we have the privilege of travelling to conferences and other learning events, there is an obligation to share learning with those who were not able to attend.  OCSB Principal Paul McGuire shares his ECOO #BIT14 learning here.

Reflecting on our learning helps to make our thinking visible. YRDSB Principal Brian Harrison reflects on his learning here, and ADSB Principal David Jaremy shares his thinking on student engagement here. HWDSB Superintendent Sue Dunlop share her reflections on leadership here.

Perhaps it takes a challenge to get your first blog post published! OSSEMOOC has set up a few challenges in 2014. To start, we asked educators to simply share one thing they learned by asking the question, “What did you learn today?”. The results are found under “30 Days of Learning in Ontario” on this blog.

Then, we asked educators to pick one thing that caught their eye on social media, and share it (curate) with the world by providing a few sentences on the importance of the learning.  These can be found under “30 Days – Picture and Post” on this blog.  Both examples are great starting points for new bloggers.

This past week, #Peel21st started a Blog Hop with the question, “Learning in the 21st Century – What Does it Mean to You?”.

#Peel21st Blog Hop: http://makelearn.org/2014/11/18/learning-the-21st-century-what-does-it-mean-to-you/
#Peel21st Blog Hop: http://makelearn.org/2014/11/18/learning-the-21st-century-what-does-it-mean-to-you/

Why not take up the challenge and participate?

There are many more examples of Ontario education leaders sharing through blogging.  Follow any of the blog links in the margins of this OSSEMOOC blog.

Once you create your first post, be sure to share it on Twitter so others can read your work.  Share it with OSSEMOOC as well, and we will add you to our exceptional list of Ontario education bloggers.

*Always remember that help is available. Write a comment on this blog if you need assistance.



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