Category Archives: Leading in a Networked World

A Focus on Digital Leadership: Learning from Each Other

OSSEMOOC Moving Forward


When leaders make their LEARNING visible, when they make their IDEAS visible, it gives all of us a chance to share and learn together.

An idea shouldn’t stay in your head!  Share it and let others help you make it real.

We are pleased to see how Ontario bloggers, and education bloggers from outside Ontario are sharing their work here at OSSEMOOC.  We have curated the blogs for you to the right, and we have moved “30 days to get connected”, our popular self-directed learning series, to the left of the site.

We continue to invite bloggers to share their links and blog descriptions by filling out the form here (link in upper right of this page).

We are now taking our learning from two years of OSSEMOOC to redesign and rethink how this site can best serve the needs of leading learners in Ontario.

Please help us by sharing your ideas in the comments, or by emailing us at ossemooc at gmail dot com.  We invite you to share in building an open site that supports your learning needs.




Today we feature the blog of SNCDSB Principal Kim Figliomeni (@kfilane). You can access her work here:

Kim shares the wonderful story of becoming a digital leader.  It is inspiring for all leaders working to build their own learning around digital leadership.  Please connect with Kim and share your own journey.  By extending our PLN, we can learn more together.

Thanks to Kim for openly sharing her work with other leading learners.


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Blog by Kim Figliomeni:



-Featured image from Pixabay.

Curating Visible Learning in #onted

We hope you have enjoyed the work of two Ontario bloggers over the past two days, Leigh Cassell and Michelle Parrish.

After two years of promoting connected learners, OSSEMOOC is updating its blogroll to feature active education bloggers in Ontario and beyond.  You can see to the right  ——>

how we are adding ACTIVE blogs to the site, curated so that you can find what you are looking for.

Please share your blog information with us in the form below.  We will be removing links to blogs that are no longer active.

Thank you for your dedication to making your learning and thinking visible to others.

If you are not a blogger, please continue to visit this site so you might learn from your colleagues, and see examples of educators who believe in building our knowledge together.

Featured image shared under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non-commercial license by Thomas Hawk.

Classroom Reflections

As we continue our focus on blogging, today we feature the reflective practice of KPDSB teacher Michelle Parrish. We can learn so much from teachers who openly reflect on the work they do with our young people.

You might remember Michelle’s insights as she also generously shared with us as a guest panellist during the Innovator’s Mindset book club Google Hangouts on Air.

Thanks, Michelle, for your generous open practice that helps us build knowledge together.

Please take a moment to read and comment on Michelle’s blog, or the blogs of her students, here:

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#InnovatorsMindset BlogHop 3: We Welcome You!

Yes it’s time again for the #innovatorsmindset blog hop!

You didn’t even know what a Blog Hop was 3 weeks ago, right?  And now you are going to participate in one, right? Yes you are!

We learn best when we are just outside of our comfort zones, and here at #ossemooc, we do everything WITH you to help support you along the way.


Please do some writing on this topic.  Post it on your blog, then add your name, twitter handle and blog link into the form below.

Here are the links to the blogs created so far. More are always welcome. Remember that there can be about a 5 minute delay between filling out the form and seeing the blog link here.

You don’t have a blog?  We are happy to post your work for you here on #OSSEMOOC, or just add to the comments below, or post a quick tweet under #innovatorsmindset #ossemooc hashtags, or post to the Voxer Group for the Book Club.

See?  Easy Peasy!!  Now just sit back, read, and maybe comment on a blog or two.


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The “What Ifs” are on page 117, 118 of The Innovator’s Mindset (copied below)

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Top Image by Tina Zita

#InnovatorsMindset Goes Live Tuesday, February 23 at 8 p.m. EST

A live Hangout on Air conversation about The Innovator’s Mindset will take place Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. EST.

The link is

Please join us live and on Twitter as we tackle these questions:

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*Images by Tina Zita

Learn With Us! Your Invitation to #INNOVATORSMINDSET #OSSEMOOC Book Club

We’ve come to a cross-roads in education: continue with the status quo or innovate. Where do we go next to best support each of our learners? How can we innovate our practice across the province? At its core, what is innovation in education?


Using George Couros’ Innovator’s Mindset book as a provocation, educators from across Ontario, in a variety of leadership roles, will engage in book club conversations about innovation in their personal and collective practice.  

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Further details on the Flipagram here: (or click on the image above)


We are a group of Ontario leaders who are interested in delving deeply into the ways in which we can move innovative change forward in the service of our students. We will begin with some of the discussion questions in the book, and our own wonderings and let the conversations go where they may.  We invite everyone who participates to share their questions, their ideas, and their stories.  We have provided a sample overview of what each segment might look like, but we the conversations are intended to be participant driven.

We invite you to join in the conversation!


Innovation in Education: ‘What it is, what defines it, and what it looks like in practice.’

Tuesday February 9th

8 p.m.-9 p.m.

In this segment we will discuss the concept and characteristics of innovation presented in chapters 1-3 of the book. We will also discuss the ways in which we see ourselves, our schools and our Districts exemplifying these characteristics, the innovative practices happening in our Districts, the conditions that have made this possible, and some of the obstacles that get in the way.  Participants are invited to share their ideas and their own stories


Laying the Groundwork: ‘Empowering a culture of learning and innovation’

Tuesday February 23rd

8 p.m.-9 p.m.

This segment will focus on chapters 4-7 and will explore a few of these questions:

What are the conditions that are required for schools and Districts to move forward?  How can issues such as equity, privacy, & safety be met without stifling a culture of change? What does an innovative leader look like?  How can we empower students and staff to take risks?  How do we move from vision to reality?


Unleashing Talent: A Collaborative Journey

Tuesday March 8th

8 p.m.-9 p.m.

Based on chapters 8-12, we hope to explore how leaders might practice balancing trust and autonomy with strong mentorship. We will also consider the role of technology in our schools.  What is personalized learning and how can technology help with personalization?  What might leaders be looking for when they look for innovation in a classroom?


Concluding Thoughts: ‘Relentless Restlessness’

Tuesday March 22th

8 p.m.-9 p.m.

Chapters 13 and 14 are named Concluding Thoughts.  In our last book club discussion, we will consider what successful implementation of innovation looks like and how we might measure that success.  We will explore one thing we’d like to change immediately and what actionable steps can be taken to make that change a reality.  We will share our stories and next steps and we invite you to share yours!


Would you like to receive updates and reminders?  Please fill out this form:

Lots and Lots of Self-Directed Professional Learning Options!

OSSEMOOC (Awesome-MOOC) is committed to providing OPEN, FREE and relevant professional learning for all educators, with a focus on Ontario Education Leaders.

  1. What’s your “OneWord” for 2016?

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 3.17.39 PMTweet the word to #OneWordONT by January 15 to be included in this year’s list.

Need some inspiration?  Check these out:

Lisa Neale

Julie Balen

Melanie White

Julia Rowe

Tina Zita

Aviva Dunsiger

Diana Maliszewski

Velia Viola

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2.  Leveraging Twitter for Rich Professional Learning

3. Get your copy of Innovator’s Mindset.  The book club is coming! Contribute your thinking here.  We will start emailing details on Monday, Jan. 18.

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Welcome to #BIT15!

Be sure to follow the #BIT15 hashtag and the #OSSEMOOC hashtag over the next few days as we lead learning here in Niagara Falls.

Today, @OSSEMOOC is at Minds on Media, supporting educators in learning to connect and self-direct their learning in online environments.  Please drop in, have a chat, and share some learning.

Thank you to Brenda Sherry and Peter Skillen for inviting us to take part in their amazing learning event.

OSSEMOOC will also be supporting a blogging cafe at #BIT15.  Drop in and visit for a chance to have some quiet time to share your learning or to get some personal support in learning to blog.

We look forward to learning together at #BIT15!  Please drop in and make the f2f connection with your “online” PLN.

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