Category Archives: mini-mooc

Twitter For Rich Professional Learning Starts Today

OSSEMOOC (Awesome-MOOC) is committed to providing OPEN, FREE and relevant professional learning for all educators, with a focus on Ontario Education Leaders.

Today we begin our 4th mini-MOOC of the 2105-2016 school year.  Please join us for 15 days of Leveraging Twitter for Rich Professional Learning. You may register for the course here*, or simply follow along as we post learning opportunities each day.

Stay tuned for more information on our provincial online book club: The Innovator’s Mindset**.  Sign up here for full email information on the book club events.

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More details here – Check out this flipagram.

Also, remember that the #OneWordONT word cloud deadline is January 15.  Share the one word that will guide your growth in 2016 using the hashtag.


*If you have registered, and you do not receive an email welcome by tomorrow at 8 a.m., please contact ossemooc at gmail dot com.

**Please note that there is a discount if you order 10+ books.  Contact ossemooc at gmail dot com for more information.

New Twitter Courses Starting

Thanks to Peter Skillen and Brenda Sherry for leading the #CE15L chat last night, digging into the topic of “Learning”.  We have many thoughts and ideas to pursue as we continue through our knowledge building together this month.  Please register here if you want to join the conversation.

#OSSEMOOC has new “mini-mooc” courses starting in the next few weeks.  Please show your colleagues our offerings and invite them to register here to receive instructional email messages.  Of course anyone can follow the learning without registering.

Twitter for Absolute Beginners Starts Today

Do you know someone who wants to learn about Twitter but can’t find the time?

For the next three weeks, OSSEMOOC is curating resources on getting started with Twitter, and offering a MOOC-style opportunity to learn on your own time, and at your own pace, how to get started learning on Twitter.

The course home page is here: and if you want to receive information by email, please register with your email account here (scroll down).

Please share this with colleagues who might not yet be online and who might want to learn with us.

Fall OSSEMOOC Courses

As we settle into the 2015-2016 school year, the shift to connected and digital leadership,  collaboration for learning, and the importance of sharing have been emphasized at many levels in the Ontario school system, including #summerinstitute15, #fallsimk12, #fallsim15 and

Many educators have expressed the need for direct instruction on how to access and leverage social media for professional learning.  In response, OSSEMOOC is offering a series of courses this fall to support Ontario educators (all others are welcome as well) in their efforts to learn how to use social media in their work.

Courses will consist of synchronous online instruction (recorded), instructional videos, screencasts and collaborative projects.  As always, we suggest that you find someone with experience on Twitter to act as a face-to-face mentor for your learning in the courses (if possible).

Course Offerings

Twitter for Absolute Beginners

This 3-week course is for educators who want to learn to access the infinite opportunities for professional learning on Twitter, but who have never learned how to find the learning that meets their needs.

Week 1: Using Twitter as a Library: How to Access Information (no Twitter account required)

Week 2: Creating a Twitter Account: How to Create a Positive Professional Online Presence on Twitter

Week 3: The Anatomy of a Tweet: Understanding the Language of Twitter

September 28 to October 16, 2015

November 9 to November 27, 2015


Twitter for Self-Directed Professional Learning

This 3-week course is for educators who have a Twitter account, but who feel unsure about how to use it for professional learning.  A Twitter Account is required for this course.

Week 1: Building your Online Professional Learning Network

Week 2: Tweeting

Week 3: Curating Online Content

October 19 to November 6, 2015


Twitter for Education Leaders

This 3-week course is for school and system leaders who want to leverage the power of Twitter to enhance communications between the school, the board and the community.

Week 1: Building Your Understanding of the Power of Social Media

Week 2: Building a Positive Digital Footprint

Week 3: Building Your Audience

November 9 to November 27, 2015


Leveraging Twitter for Rich Professional Learning

This course is for educators who have spent some time on Twitter, but who want to refine their understanding of social media for professional learning.  This course is ideal for educators who have a Twitter account and who use Twitter now and then, but don’t make use of social media on a daily basis.

Week 1: Building and Refining your Professional Learning Network (PLN)

Week 2: Twitter Tools for Learning

Week 3: Twitter chats and conversations

January 11 to January 29 (2016)


Registration is free and there is no obligation to participate if you change your mind or your schedule does not allow you to be involved.

The courses are based on the Constructivist MOOC approach.  A number of learning opportunities will be organized for you.  As a professional learner, you access the opportunities you need for your professional learning.  We will support your learning.  Success in a MOOC is often enhanced when educators learn as a group, so encourage your colleagues to register and learn with you.

Register for courses here:

A course calendar will be sent to you by email one week prior to the start of your course.

All course materials and learning opportunities will be completely open and advertised on the OSSEMOOC site for any participants.

We look forward to learning with you!


Scaffolding Connected Leadership – May is Your Month to Become a Connected Leader!

You know you need to get connected.

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Shared by Silvia Tolisano


Like running, sometimes you need a little help to keep going.

May is the month to get this done! OSSEMOOC will scaffold the learning this month as you work through 30 days to get connected.

We will simplify the process into four 1-week steps:

1) May 4 to 8  Collect – Where do we go to find the information educators need?

2) May 11 to 15 Connect – How can I connect with other educators around the world?

3) May 19 to 22 Curate – How do I share great resources with my network?

4) May 25 to 29 Create – How do I make my learning and thinking visible? (Including a group project you won’t want to miss).

We will work through the four weeks in the supportive environment of a cohort of learners, complete with screencasted instructions, responsive learning, and incremental challenges to keep your learning moving forward!

So grab a colleague and make the leap to accessing the learning all over the world!

(Sign up is NOT required, but if you sign up (here), you will be on our mailing list for support and event notification in your email stream.)

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Mini-MOOC 1

OSSEMOOC professional learning opportunities  for the 14/15  school year officially get underway this week with our first “mini-mooc” session presented by  Brenda Sherry  and  Peter J. LeBlanc.

Their getting connected session is scheduled for Wednesday September 24th at 7:00 p.m. (EDT).   Join our online presentation room by clicking   [here]  any time after 6:30 p.m.

If you are joining us for the first time or perhaps using a new computer since our last session,   please allow a few minutes for the necessary plugins to download and install.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.