When is a MOOC not a MOOC?

After the New York Times named 2012 “The Year of the MOOC“, the reputation of MOOCs has taken a downturn.  We hear criticisms of what MOOCs can’t do, but if you listen carefully, the criticism is about how a MOOC fails in trying to be a “course”.

If we change the “C” to community, suddenly we have an opportunity to leverage online connected learning that is driven by participants.  Learners can engage with others in the topic areas that interest them.  It is self-directed professional learning with a starting place.

comfort and magic


It allows us to step outside of our comfort zone and learn from our peers.

great to excellent


It allows us to be willing to be disturbed, and have our beliefs challenged by others.



Throughout this OSSEMOOC we will be screencasting and livestreaming conversations and presentations about learning with technology.  Here is our first one-take Google hangout where we chat about OSSEMOOC and why it is important.

Let’s emphasize “one-take”. We are hoping to model that sharing through video does not require perfection. You will notice that Donna accidentally calls OSSEMOOC “a course” as she talks about what the acronym stands for, but we are calling this a learning “Community” where you can personalize your learning.

For the full explanation of what “OSSEMOOC” stands for check out the “About” page here.

Precise, Personalized Learning for School and System Leaders

“Meaningful change ain’t gonna happen for our kids if we’re not willing to invest in it for ourselves first.

At the heart, it’s not about schools…it’s about us.”


If we are going to start doing things differently, we need to reflect on our own learning first.


OSSEMOOC formally begins in February 2014 but we invite people to begin exploring and learning now.  Please check out the pages to learn about OSSEMOOC and to connect on social media.