Category Archives: What is your Next?

#OneWordONT – Our Collective Focus for 2016

In this exponential age, having a focus helps us to monitor our growth in one aspect of professional practice.

In 2015, we asked Ontario Education Leaders to share a word they would focus on for the year.  It resulted in rich, shared reflection on personal practice.

This year, we have had extensive buy-in, and our collaborative word choices present an interesting perspective on professional practice in Ontario.

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Congratulations to all for choosing a focus.  Please share, using the #OneWordONT and #OSSEMOOC hashtags when you reflect on your progress throughout 2016.

We thank OSAPAC’s Julie Balen from Wikwemikong Board of Education for collating and presenting our collective words for 2016.

Thanks to All of the Contributors to What’s Your Next, Ontario?

An enormous THANK YOU to all of the courageous Ontario educators who shared their next step.


Kudos to:

Heather Theijsmeijer 

Aviva Dunsiger 

Michael Brown 

Helen Dewaard 

Anne Shillolo 

Brandon Grasley 

Christie Currie #eladsb

Sue Dunlop 

Julie Balen 

Kendra Grant 

Chris Theijsmeijer 

Frank Calvano #eladsb

Melissa Roth 

Stephen Hurley 

Sarah McLeod 

Danuta Woloszynowicz 

Lisa Neale 

Kaila O’Callaghan 

Andy Forgrave 

Laurie Azzi 

Ed Doadt 

Donna Miller Fry @fryed

Mark W. Carbone 

Keep connecting, learning and sharing.  We all benefit from learning together!

@ossemooc #ossemooc




Hey Ontario, What is your Next?

In response to this post on the theme of What is your Next?, OSSEMOOC is thrilled to have the “answer” video posted live this morning as part of the K12 Online Conference.  Check out the conference details and the OSSEMOOC collaborative video  [here].