All posts by markwcarbone

I have 36 years experience in K-12 education. I have been fortunate to work in many different roles including teacher, department head, ICT consultant, IT Manager and CIO. Personal interests include performing in the Venturi Winds woodwind quintet, the Cambridge Symphony and the KW Community Orchestra as well as composing and arranging music. Connect, Learn, Reflect & Share - make a difference today!

Resources from EdCamp Waterloo 2016

Today’s post shares the recordings of two streamed conversations from EdCamp Waterloo (2016).

Many thanks to the event organizers for a rich day of learning and sharing.

EdCamp Waterloo: Learning Spaces

EdCamp Waterloo: Google Apps

Enjoy the learning.


Virtual Learning via EdCampWR

Looking to learning something today?  OSSEMOOC is providing a virtual learning opportunity via EdCamp Waterloo Region. Tune in to select livestream video sessions [here] (between 9:30 and 3:30) and/or follow along the twitter stream at #edcampwr .  


Day 14: All a twitter about curation

Yesterday we looked at curating information purposefully using Scoop It as a quality tool for this purpose. In some ways, Twitter is a multi purpose tool belt. Today we return to twitter to examine ways to use it as a curation tool.

As part of the Day 14 activities, we introduce you to  Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano  who has written extensively about using Twitter for curating information.

curate with twitter

Graphic adapted from

We look forward to hearing about your curation experiences.

Happy learning!

Day 13: What’s the Scoop?

One of the most powerful aspects of our connected journey is making connections and information “work for us” by informing (and challenging) our professional practice. There is no doubt that we live in an information rich time, so having tools to help us locate  and organize information relevant to us is important.

What’s the Scoop?

The getting connected task for today is to explore a curation tool known as Scoop It.  Day 13  walks you through taking a look, signing up and curating your own content.

Happy curating!

Day 10: The Power of Visual

Wikipedia defines Pinterest as “a web and mobile application company, which operates an eponymous photo sharing website.”  Read more  here.

While the definition mentions ‘photo sharing’ it can be thought of more generally as a visual sharing site organized by topics on “bulletin boards”.  Items are shared by pinning to the boards.


Enjoy exploring Pinterest as the Day 10 activity.  Once you have an account set up,  take to time to check out the  OSSEMOOC  account on Pinterest  or do search for “ossemooc“.


Shared by Heather Durnin under a CC Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Shared by Heather Durnin under a CC Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Day 6: Developing your PLN

Yesterday,  the Day 5 activity  explored the idea of twitter being a large online library.

Today we look at moving from searching and finding information, to building and leveraging people connections. This brings is to a big question – who should I follow?


Creative Commons image:

In terms of making connections, it is natural to start in a comfortable place,  perhaps by following people in your own organization and/or noting people with similar interests or professional focus.  Over time, you will be strategic about developing your network with some consideration to ‘access’ as noted in our day 2 post – “access to people, their time and expertise, questions, answers, viewpoints, resources, and new ideas”.

Enjoy an opportunity to explore new connections through the day 6 activity.  


Tom Whitby has created a valuable resource for educators: Whom Should I Follow on Twitter?

Day 4 of Connected Learning

If you are just joining us today, please refer to this post where we share what we are up to!

Never before has there been such an abundance of information to contribute to our learning.  At the same time, there is no doubt that our collective plates are brimming over with things to do.  As a positive, we challenge ourselves  to think differently and explore ways to learn on the go.


I thought I would share a couple of ideas that have improved my mobile learning.  Part of my practice is to capture information using Notability on my iPad.  This is a powerful app that allows me to write, record, and insert images in documents that I can refer to at any point in time.  One of the things I like to do is re-listen to my recordings in the car.  You can apply this idea to other mediums too, such as  a  livescribe pen.  

Enjoy Day 4:  Listen While You Work.   We look forward to hearing about your learning on the go ideas too.

Oh yes.  If you know a colleague that might like to participate in the 30 days of connected program,  give them a nudge! 



Day 2 – Considering the Why

Yesterday had the perfect start – a deep dive conversation with Donna Fry about the why — why connect through social media that is.


Something stayed with me after our conversation – the word “access”.  Building connections gives you access – access to people, their time and expertise, questions, answers, viewpoints, resources, and new ideas. This is all part of exploring, learning and pushing your thinking.   Leveraging your connections leads to new learning, new perspectives and change of practice.

Enjoy your day 2 activity as you learn  What Are Other Educators Thinking
