Digging Into Curation

Contributed by Donna Miller Fry

Here at  #OSSEMOOC we are often asked questions like, “How do you find time to blog?”, or  “How do I find good stuff online?”.

While sharing tools is one approach to answering that question, I like to think of all of these activities as part of the process of curation.

When you have a PLN with strong curation skills, navigating through the vast amount of information online becomes so much easier.  In fact, curation is an important skill for everyone.

Sue Waters (@suewaters) has very neatly and concisely explained the curation process.

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In this post, Sue takes us through the process of discovering and recording information that we need, organizing information, contextualizing, editing and making meaning and then sharing.

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She has also described the process in further detail on her personal blog.

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As you head into summer, consider how the suggestions in this post can help you make your own learning and sharing more effective and efficient.

How can we help our students develop better curation skills?



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