Category Archives: 30 Days – Picture and Post

A Picture and a Post: A Sample

Have you been following the #gr3ontcomm posts on Twitter?

Grade 3 teachers and students have been reaching out to Twitter users in Ontario to help them study Ontario communities.

Last week, Tina Zita shared an activity her students participated in.

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Students observed the characteristics of urban and rural communities using google maps, then posted their observations collaboratively to padlet.


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Now other teachers and students can learn from their observations, and the sharing of the activity.


Collaborative Blogging Round 2

Modelling connected leading and learning is a critical element in our digital learning world. Connected learners need connected teachers and leaders. Try the OSSEMOOC experience where you can participate in connected leadership with a group which offers a supported approach.

Based on the positive feedback and interest in the 30 Days of Learning in Ontario collaborative blogging project, OSSEMOOC will be running another collaborative blogging project during the month of June.  The theme will be “a picture and post” based on what catches your attention on social media. We would be delighted to include you on the OSSEMOOC blog.

Participating is:  as easy as 1   2   3.

1. Watch for interesting education related posts on Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook and/or any other social media sites you read.

2. Screen capture the tweet or post, and write a short paragraph (even 2 or 3 sentences) explaining why the tweet or post resonated with you.

3. Submit your picture and paragraph by sending them to  Include your name and social media contact info (Twitter, G+)

Two examples of a ‘picture and post’ are posted on the OSSEMOOC blog:

Example one: Connecting F2F

Example two: Learning through your PLN

We look forward to connecting and leading with you as you share your learning.